Breathless Tour

Websites for You

Amazing Insights - This site so lives up to its name. I love these articles.

As Patty Said - Just another wonderful site where an amazing girl shares her thoughts.

Brad's Place - Nice blog with interesting essays.

Consumer Travel Tips - When you need to travel, this site helps you save money and travel comfortably.

Doing Well - A good site with tips anyone can enjoy. Honey and maple syrup are on the menu, too. Mmmm.

Good News from MSN - Read wonderful, happy stories about the good things people experience and do in life. These are uplifting articles and I love reading them.

Good News Network - Another bright way of looking at things. The world hasn't gone all crazy just yet!

Miss Dorothy - An older blog but she says things worth knowing. Thank you, Miss Dorothy. Be well!

The Perspectist - Good advice comes from a rich perspective. I appreciate the wisdom share on this site.